Audio equipment needs to be rugged and dependable whether it's used inside or outdoors, portable or installed, hooked up to a computer, projector, media player, or is needed for straight forward voice amplification. This is especially true in school environments where both students and faculty use the equipment for a variety of purposes, placing a premium on flexibility of the PA. Schools and districts trust the PresentationPro for these very reasons.
The PresentationPro is designed for quick and easy set-up so you don't have to have an engineering degree to operate it. For vocal reinforcement, it accepts a 16-channel wireless (with a choice of handheld or hands-free with a beltpack transmitter) microphone and two wired mics at the same time for multiple presenters.
With an increasing number of schools installing projectors and interactive whiteboards into classrooms on a district-wide basis, there are connectors to simply plug in and go with high-quality sound which will engage all of your students. And with an increasing number of audio-related technologies used in classrooms such as videos and podcasting, having a good speaker in the classroom is essential.