One-touch join: Easily start and join meetings with just one tap.,10.1" touch display: Spacious and responsive touch screen resists fingerprints for high legibility, and is sealed to protect components.,Motion sensor: Built-in motion sensor allows for always-on readiness when a user approaches, and saves power when idle.,Sleek, low profile: Comfortable 14° angle allows for easy viewing, while providing an unobtrusive presence in the room.,Single PoE cable: One cable for both power and data means flexible placement anywhere in the room, untethered to the room system and without the need for long cable runs.,Clean cable management: Built-in cable retention and strain relief system hides the PoE cable entirely within its enclosure, and secures it to prevent unwanted disconnections.,Multiple mounting options: Secure Tap IP almost anywhere in the room with available Table, Riser, and Wall Mounts for convenient placement near room participants.